Home / News / RSPCA, police investigate 'horrific' shooting of pet cat in Redesdale, Victoria

RSPCA, police investigate 'horrific' shooting of pet cat in Redesdale, Victoria

May 21, 2024May 21, 2024

A pet cat has to be fed through a tube, after being shot in the face south-east of Bendigo, in regional Victoria.

RSPCA Victoria is appealing for information after what it believes was a "deliberate act of cruelty" in Redesdale, on or around April 4.

Inspectorate team leader Karen Collier said the cat sustained horrific injuries and could easily have died.

"Whoever committed this act has inflicted immense suffering on a family's pet," she said.

"This family has young children, so it's just devastating for this family to find their cat in that state."

She said the cat was recovering at home after significant medical attention, but had suffered serious disablement.

"The cat's now had its jaw wired," Ms Collier said.

She expected the recovery period would be extensive.

Ms Collier said the RSPCA and police were investigating the shooting near Racecourse road.

"Police suspect that potentially it was a .22 rifle, but there were pellets found in the face, so potentially an air gun or some sort of pellet gun," she said.

"I can't believe somebody would target a pet cat in such a manner," Ms Collier said.

"It's an obvious pet cat with a collar on - and to shoot it in this way is just horrific."

It is an offence to wound, mutilate, torture, abuse, or otherwise cause unreasonable pain or suffering to an animal.

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